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Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Anakin’s #bestnine2018 🐾😺🎉❤ What an awesome year! I hope the new year brings wonderful things for us all! Happy New Year Everyone!! 😻💫🎊💖

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Love, Abnakin & The Gang

🎄😺 Merry Christmas 🎁 & Happy Holidays! 🎉 Love 💖 Anakin, Mika, Trixie, Pixie, Arya & The Hawks Family ❄️ We hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends! ☃️

Thursday, December 20, 2018

New YouTube Video - Anakin The Two Legged Cat, Arya & Mika Christmas Tree

Anakin The Two Legged Cat, Arya & Mika helping with the tree decorating while Anakin watches. This was Arya's First Christmas, December 2017

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Look! Anakin has a Featured Card in the game Purrsident!

Look! Anakin has a Featured Card in the game Purrsident! They have made a Special Kickstarter Expansion Pack Featuring Famous Felines and Anakin is one of them :)  This Expansion pack with Famous Feline Cards will only be sent to people that order the game on the Purrsident Kicksarter here,
We are honored to be a part of this neat card game & can't wait to play it when we get our copy :D

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Anakin The Two Legged Cat, Arya, Trixie, Pixie and Mika, Collection of C...

Just a bunch of clips of all the cats! Anakin, Arya, Trixie, Pixie & Mika :) 1. Anakin & Arya playing on the cat tower. These two have been playing together almost every day. Every time I start to make a video they stop playing! I guess need to be more sneaky. 2. Arya playing with the ball box & Trixie tries to clean her. Trixie is the "mom" of the gang. 3. They decided the fidget spinner is their newest cat toy. Anakin quickly tells Arya his tail is not a toy! Mika & Lil Arya watching the world go by. Trixie grooming Arya before they both take a nap together :)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Floofy Boys!

Extra Floofy Bellies! Which one do you pet first? Anakin? Mika? Both at the same time? 😸❤️

Monday, October 15, 2018

Anakin with my art, Lil Mummy Kitten

Anakin seems to like my latest painting “Lil Mummy Kitten" 😺🎃🧡 If you do too you can find Limited Edition Canvas Prints, Glossy Art Prints, Cameo Jewelry, Notecards, Keychains, Bookmarks & Magnets are available On Sale 20% Off until Friday, 10/27/18 on my website here,

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thank you & New Cat Tree

Thank you so much for checking on us. We are in Pensacola, Florida, about 3 hours drive away from where Hurricane Michael made landfall near Panama City, Fl. We only got a little wind and rain here. We are sending tons of good thoughts and well wishes to those affected by this storm ❤️ Ani has no idea that a New Cat Tree is in there! It’s the same design as the one we have now but brand new. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Anakin is happy I’m home

Anakin supervising my work. He is very glad I am home now but there still isn’t room for him to get on the table. Im still busy getting caught up! 😺❤️ I’m Ani’s Mom, @Tigerpixie Carrie Hawks Tigerpixie Fantasy Cat Art

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Today is Arya's Gotcha Day! :D

Lil Arya’s Gotcha Day! It’s been 1 whole year already! 😺

Arya Now all 13 pounds of her :)

8/28/2018 Our New Baby!

Our new baby! She was in the middle of the road in my brother-in-law's neighborhood & not moving. Cars were just driving around her like she wasn't there! She ran into someone's yard when I came up to her. I had some cat food and she was starving so after some coaxing & following her under cars & in bushes my daughter and I were able to catch her. She ate all the food I gave her and was already purring on Angel's lap (my daughter) within a few hours of being at our home. I took her to the vet this morning. She is approximately 10 weeks old. She weighs 1.75 pounds and should weigh around 3 pounds at this age. She is a little pale & has worms so she was given worm medicine. She also had some flea dirt so she was given flea meds. I have her on Hills Urgent Care AD mixed with SuppliCal.  She is very frail, you can feel every bone down her spine & her legs are so bony. My vet says she was starving and pretty much used up all her muscle mass just to keep going. Because of that she's walking kind of crouched right now but shouldn't be for long now that she's eating properly and being taken care of. My vet says that we will be amazed with how quickly she recovers from this and gains weight and start acting like a normal kitten. In the video on Anakin's Facebook ( I'm sorry it wouldn't post here) you'll hear her meow! To me she sounds like a little old lady :) No, she doesn't have a name yet. I'm thinking we might give her a Game of Thrones name since I was crawling around all over someone's yard in the dark trying to catch her while the Game of Thrones finale was on & I love that show ;) We'll see what her personality is like first and then see what fits. Right now she is set up in our hall bathroom just like we do with all new kitties. I'll keep you all posted on how she's doing.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018

Anakin & Mom Tigerpixie's Art :) Busy! Busy!

Anakin says, “Mom’s been super busy with her painting and getting ready for her next big show, DragonCon in Atlanta, GA. See all her art stuff! I can’t even get on the table!” FYI for everyone that’s new to following Anakin.... I’m Ani’s Mom, Carrie Hawks, Tigerpixie Fantasy Cat Art I’ve included a pic of my art show booth set up in the next pic. Yes, Ani is right! I’ll be super busy until the 2nd week of September. Ill post when I can. Thank you so much for your understanding & support

Sunday, August 12, 2018

New Video! Anakin Two Legged Cat and Little Sister Arya Kitten Playing

Anakin Two Legged Cat and Little Sister Arya Kitten Playing
Anakin's Lil Sister Arya playing with toys & then playing with Anakin. This is Part 2 of my videos about Arya's rescue & recovery. Here is Part 1 if you missed it... Anakin's New Little Sister Arya Rescued Kitten Part 1 "Arya when we rescued her last year! This 1st Video cover's Arya's Rescue and her first 3 weeks with us. August 27, 2017 - September 18, 2017."

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Anakin BIG Yawns!

My what big teeth you have Anakin! 🙀😸 Mid-yawn sleepy Ani! 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

YouTube Video, Arya's Rescue & Recovery


I finally made a video about Arya when we rescued her last year! This Video cover's Arya's Rescue and her first 3 weeks with us. August 27, 2017 - September 18, 2017. Here is what I originally wrote when I posted about her on Anakin's website & social media places... (8/28/2017) Our new baby! She was in the middle of the road in my brother-in-law's neighborhood & not moving. Cars were just driving around her like she wasn't there! She ran into someone's yard when I came up to her. I had some cat food and she was starving so after some coaxing & following her under cars & in bushes my daughter and I were able to catch her. She ate all the food I gave her and was already purring on Angel's lap (my daughter) within a few hours of being at our home. I took her to the vet this morning. She is approximately 10 weeks old. She weighs 1.75 pounds and should weigh around 3 pounds at this age. She is a little pale & has worms so she was given worm medicine. She also had some flea dirt so she was given flea meds. I have her on Hills Urgent Care AD mixed with SuppliCal. She is very frail, you can feel every bone down her spine & her legs are so bony. My vet says she was starving and pretty much used up all her muscle mass just to keep going. Because of that she's walking kind of crouched right now but shouldn't be for long now that she's eating properly and being taken care of. My vet says that we will be amazed with how quickly she recovers from this and gains weight and start acting like a normal kitten. In the video you'll hear her meow! To me she sounds like a little old lady :) No, she doesn't have a name yet. I'm thinking we might give her a Game of Thrones name since I was crawling around all over someone's yard in the dark trying to catch her while the Game of Thrones finale was on & I love that show ;) We'll see what her personality is like first and then see what fits. Right now she is set up in our hall bathroom just like we do with all new kitties. I'll keep you all posted on how she's doing.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Anakin in his Hidey Hole

Anakin in his fave hidey hole😺❤️ Well most of him is in there. He decided to let his legs and tail hang out. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

New Anakin Videos on YouTube!

Anakin The Two Legged Cat, Ani having a Caturday nap in Dreamland. Ani loves to nap on my bed :)‬

 Anakin The Two Legged Cat Taking a Bath
I'm still working on getting some older videos of Anakin on here :) This is one of him taking a bath. After the bath he goes & gets in his favorite place to sleep :)

Friday, June 15, 2018

Card Thank yous! I got everyone’s pic with them!

I got pics of everyone with these cards! That never happens! I did wake Anakin up for a sec to take his pics 😽❤️ Thank you so much for the Beauitful Cards 😻 These are from Terrie & her kitty Dr Sheldon Cooper & family and Hastings and Brofurs & family all the way from the Netherlands! Thank you all so much for the cards & for thinking of us! You guys are the best and we love them all ❤️

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Anakin's Tail Created by Tails Of Enchantment by Shadow

Anakin checking out this beautiful cosplay tail by Tails Of Enchantment by Shadow made to look similar to his own tail! Isn’t it beautiful! It’s so soft & fluffy & Ani seems to like it too 😺❤️ Thank you so much Shadow for the gorgeous Ani tail! 😻❤️

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Anakin says Mom Feed Me!

This is the face I get to wake up to in the morning 😻 Yes he’s right by my head saying get up & feed me! He’s such a Handsome Floofy Boy! 😻❤️❤️❤️ 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

My First Anakin Post! 6 Years Ago Today

6 Years Ago Today I made my first post about Anakin on my personal Facebook page & the rest is history 😺❤️ Love this lil guy so much! Anakin's page ~
We have a new kitten! A very special new kitten. I wasn't looking to get another cat right now but you know how these things just happen.... About two weeks ago a kitten without back legs started coming over to eat with the other feral cats at my dad's work. My first few trips to attempt to catch him didn't work out. Then Thursday (5/31/2012), Ian, Angel and I went to see if this was the day we could catch him. The kitten was cowering in the bushes and I climbed into the bushes and pulled the kitten out. We brought the kitten home and I set it up in our hall bathroom, exactly like I did with Trixie & Pixie two years earlier. Friday morning (6/1/2012) I took him to our vet as soon as they opened. Our vet said she has never seen anything like him before and he is amazing and that it's also amazing that his mother took care of him even with his handicap. She examined him and he is a little boy, approximately 6 to 8 weeks old and it in really good health. Two xrays on him showed he was born with no pelvis or back legs. We let him walk around the room for a minute to see how he moves. He positions his front legs at an angle towards the middle of his body and balances his backend in the air with the use of his tail touching the ground if he needs it. He gets around really well that way and is pretty quick too. The xray also showed that his insides were not malformed, last was the feline leukemia test. He's came back negative. So we got him vaccinated, dewormed and a little flea meds and unless we have any problems with him, he goes back to the vet in three weeks :) Now, he is home getting comfy in his little bathroom and will be there for a while till he is bigger, stronger and ready to be socialized with the other cats and our dog. He is such a sweet calm little guy :) He is happy to cuddle in our laps and purrs really loud. He likes to play with a little toy mouse and also chase a beaded necklaces around on the floor. We have decided to name him Anakin and will be calling him "Ani" (yes after Anakin Skywalker :D )Here's the first video of him walking ~