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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Anakin, Kazu and Mika ❤️

Anakin, Kazu & Mika say Hi! ❤️ I disrupted Ani’s nap to take this pic. Ooops! It’s ok thought he went right back to sleep. Not sure if you can tell, but he’s sleeping on top of a fluffy pillow and comforter. He looked soooo comfy! Kazu & Mika in boxes. They all love the boxes! Kazu’s Diabetes has still been pretty up-and-down since his UTI last month and treatment the beginning of this month. I am hopeful that we can get him back on track and start reducing his dose to get him into remission. Sadly, right now we did have to increase his dose so he is currently getting 2 units of Glargine twice a day. Mika is just a happy boy! His asthma had been pretty well under control. *knocks on wood* 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Kazu is Feeling Better ❤️

Kazu is feeling better and eating a lot more on his own without the appetite stimulant. He will eat a good portion of what he needs to eat on his own and then I feed the rest of it to him off of a spoon. I’m feeding him off the spoon In this pic. You can also see his little shaved leg where his IV last week. His blood glucose numbers are still staying pretty high. He had one night a few nights ago with three numbers in the 100s but In the 300s the rest of the time so we are still working on his dose. His blood ketones have been staying between 0.1 and 0.3 so that is good. He has finished his antibiotics for his UTI. Something new, I noticed the last few days his back legs seem weaker and he was kind of dragging his back foot around to place it with each step. You could hear his nails scrape on the ground as he walked. Not all the time but enough, where it concerned me. So we went to the vet today and Kazu had a B12 injection, and I’m also looking at some online supplements for for cat’s with Diabetic Neuropathy. I just feel so bad that he’s only 3 years old, well 4 next month and having to go through all this. Especially watching his brothers run around and play and he hasn’t wanted to do that at all lately. He was doing so well a few months ago and I really thought he was heading towards remission. Now all of this and no one is sure what has happened to make him take these steps backwards. I know I’m doing everything I can to help him though and giving him the best care and tons of love. Thank you again for your well wishes and support ❤️

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kazu Update ❤️ He’s Doing Better

Kazu Update ❤️ They did not keep Kazu today. They said he’s too upset there at the vet and that wasn’t helping him feel better. They took out his IV & gave him sub Q fluids. I also got the sub Q fluids to have at home in case I need to give them to him. I got more of his nausea med too. I did get him to eat enough last night and this morning by putting it in his mouth. We are started him on the appetite stimulant today. His fructosamine test he was at 495 which is poorly regulated.  So we are also upping his Glargine/Lantus dose from 1 to 1.5 units. I also bought a few different low-carb wet foods to try. He’s gotten so picky. Maybe he needs more of a variety? I also got some different toppers that are all low-carb. Overall he acts like he feels much better. We just need to get him to want to eat more than a few bites at a time on his own. He has gotten on the table a couple times now to nibble on the food there so that’s a big improvement. At dinner tonight he did eat his first round of what I call his hors d’oeuvres all on his own. He likes his wet food in small chunks with the paste on top of them and you can’t have too many of them in the bowl at the same time touching each other or he won’t eat them. Lol! The second round he ate a few more bites on his own and then he ate a few more bites off of a spoon. He likes to be fed like a baby sometimes with his chunks of food on a spoon Lol! I don’t know what else to do, but if feed him like a baby because he’s gotta eat. So whatever it takes. Thank you again for all the well wishes! ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, July 1, 2024

Kazu is Home! ❤️

Kazu is home! ❤️ Thank you so much for all of the well wishes for him.  They left his IV in in case he needs more fluids tomorrow. He’s got an antibiotic (Clavamox) for his uti, a probiotic so he doesn’t get diarrhea., and they gave him regular insulin today to get his blood sugar down. We are supposed to try and get him to eat tonight hopefully he’ll be feeling better and will want to eat. He is to stay on his one unit dose of Lantus/Glargine until they get the results of his fructosamine test tomorrow. He goes back to the vet in the morning after his breakfast and morning, dose to be evaluated and decide if he needs more treatment there or if they can just take off his IV and he can come back home. I will keep you posted on how he is doing ❤️

Kazu is hospitalized at the vet today 😿

Kazu is at the vet being treated today. He is not feeling well. Friday Night I noticed he didn't want to eat as much and not eating from the table at night. We were still able to coax him to eat through the weekend with his paste treat on top of his food and gave him Cerenia tablet for nausea. This morning Kazu had an exam, bloodwork, and urinalysis done at our vet. He is slightly dehydrated, has too much glucose in his urine. He has never had ketones before. They said he had ketones now .5 , a slight UTI - Cocci 1+. His blood glucose was 379 before I took him to the vet. It was over 400 at the vet. They think this could be why he doesn’t feel good and doesn’t want to eat with all of these issues going on. They kept Kazu to give him an IV with fluids, she also said they were going to give him some regular insulin (I don’t know what that is) to try and bring his blood glucose down. Also based on what kind of UTI he has, they are starting him on Clavamox. They are also going to send off a fructosamine test. I really hope he’s going to be OK. I am so upset & worried about him. He has to be ok! We are picking him up later this afternoon. I will update you on how he’s doing then. I’m a stressed out worried sick mess! ❤️

Monday, June 24, 2024

Floofy Anakin Napping

Soooo Comfy!!! Look at that sly look! I interrupted his nap to take pictures 😹

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy 7th Birthday Arya! πŸ’–

Please Help Me Wish a Wonderful 7th Birthday to My Beautiful Arya!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ˜ΊπŸΎ❤️ Wishing the most fabulous birthday ever to my sassy, gorgeous, weirdo, snowball & many more! Arya, we all love you so so much! You are such sweet girl! Xoxox!!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Looking out the Front Door

Anakin, Mika, Kazu, Romeo & Quincy all looking out the door. They love when I leave this door open for them to look out. I guess looking out windows is just not the same. Ani would not go up to the glass. That was too scary for him. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mika Bunny 😻🧑

Someone asked how Mika Bunny is doing? 😺🧑 Happy boy cat napping! Not a care in the world 😻 That’s Romeo also napping behind him πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Kazu Diabetes Update ❤️

Kazu Diabetes Update ❤️ A cute pic of Kazu next to his first full bottle of lancets and test strips. Honestly, I was really hoping we might be able to have him in remission before we filled this bottle. That has not happened yet, but that does not mean it won’t ever happen. I am still very hopeful that remission will happen for him. Kazu is still really good about being tested and getting his shots. We have also got his new low carb wet foods and paste treat down to those that he likes that do not raise his blood glucose levels. We have not been able to find a low carb dry food that he can eat that does not raise his blood glucose levels. I have tried all the dry food samples recommended for diabetic cats, and none of those work for him. So for now, he is strictly on low carb wet food. Kazu does act like he feels so much better and has been playing a lot more and much happier. So that is all wonderful because how he is feeling is so important.❤️ 

Friday, May 31, 2024

It’s Anakin’s Gotcha Day! 😻 5/31/12 ❤️ 12 Years Ago Today! 🐾

It’s Anakin’s Gotcha Day! 😻 5/31/12 ❤️ 12 Years Ago Today! 🐾 Here’s my very 1st post about Anakin…. We have a new kitten! A very special new kitten. I wasn't looking to get another cat right now but you know how these things just happen. About two weeks ago a kitten without back legs started coming over to eat with the other feral cats at my dad's work. My first few trips to attempt to catch him didn't work out. Then Thursday (5/31/2012), Ian, Angel & I went to see if this was the day we could catch him. The kitten was cowering in the bushes & I climbed into the bushes & pulled the kitten out. We brought the kitten home & I set it up in our hall bathroom, exactly like I did with Trixie & Pixie two years earlier. Friday morning (6/1/2012) I took him to our vet as soon as they opened. Our vet said she has never seen anything like him before & he is amazing & that it's also amazing that his mother took care of him even with his handicap. She examined him & he is a little boy, approximately 6 to 8 weeks old & it in really good health. Two xrays on him showed he was born with no pelvis or back legs. We let him walk around the room for a minute to see how he moves. He positions his front legs at an angle towards the middle of his body & balances his backend in the air with the use of his tail touching the ground if he needs it. He gets around really well that way & is pretty quick too. The xray also showed that his insides were not malformed, last was the feline leukemia test. He's came back negative. So we got him vaccinated, dewormed & a little flea meds & unless we have any problems with him, he goes back to the vet in three weeks :) Now, he is home getting comfy in his little bathroom & will be there for a while till he is bigger, stronger & ready to be socialized with the other cats & our dog. He is such a sweet calm little guy :) He is happy to cuddle in our laps & purrs really loud. He likes to play with a little toy mouse & also chase a beaded necklaces around on the floor. We have decided to name him Anakin & will be calling him "Ani" (yes after Anakin Skywalker :D )
Here's a video of him walking ~

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mom’s Fantasy Cat Art Sale at

πŸ’œπŸΎ"Mom's Super Sale is going on now! Please check out for Unique Fantasy Cat Art & Gifts! Thank you so much! xoxo!" More Details Below...πŸŽ‰πŸ˜»


 My website is 20% - 55% Off! The Sale runs Now through Monday, May 27, 2024. I also have a Brand New Painting to share too! "Jade Dragon Li Mao". All Original Paintings 20% - 55% Off! Everything else in my store is also On Sale 25% Off!

 **Special Note! My Patreon Patrons receive an Extra Discount Coupon to use on my website during this sale! :) "Sale Cat" $10+ Patrons - coupon   code Extra 10% Off. "Sweet Kitten"$1 & "Curious Cat" $5 Patrons - coupon code Extra 5% Off. If you plan to purchase an Original or a lot of items it's not too late to sign up and get your extra 5-10% off too. Just sign up as a  Patron and I will send your special discount  code to you asap,

Please let me know if you have any questions at all. I hope you are able to find some adorable kitty gifts for yourself & your cat loving family & friends too.

Thank you so much for your support!


Carrie πŸ˜ΊπŸ’œ

*Exclusions - This sale does not apply  to Custom Commission Paintings, Wholesale Orders, Etsy, Fine Art  America/Pixels or Zazzle. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday Anakin!

Please Help Me Wish a Spectacular 12th Birthday to My Sweet Anakin!! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ˜ΊπŸΎ❤️ Wishing the most awesome birthday ever to my inspiring, independent, amazing lil man & many more! Anakin, we all love you so so much! You are such a remarkable cat! Xoxox!! * swipe to see  Ani’s Birthday pics over the past 12 Years! πŸŽ‚



Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Kazu Diabetes Update ❤️

Kazu Diabetes Update - Thank you so much for the well wishes for Kazu! ❤️ Kazu is doing ok. Me not so much, I’ve had about six hours sleep in the past two days. He almost had a hypoglycemic incident Sunday night then went hyperglycemic in the middle of the night.  I found a Facebook group for help with diabetic cats. I’ve learned a lot of info the last couple days. I have now started home testing which they highly recommended. I’m surprised that my vet did not recommend home testing to me. Kazu has been wonderful with the testing. He doesn’t mind it at all as long as he’s getting some of the pasty treats. Right now my Vet and the Admins on this fb group are giving me some conflicting information. I have a friend that is a human doctor that has dealt with diabetes a lot over the last 40 years she’s going to come over tomorrow and help answer some questions for me and help get a better handle on all of this and how it all works. I’m still going by what my vet says for his treatment. I’m just trying to learn more from my friend so I can ask my Vet better questions and things I may not have thought of. Once I get Kazu more sorted out and feel comfortable with testing him and getting his insulin doses right I will feel so much better about all of this. 
Carrie ❤️

Thursday, February 29, 2024

πŸ’œ Kazu has Diabetes 😿

Kazu has been diagnosed with Diabetes & has started treatment. He had just had bloodwork and urinalysis done the middle of December, because I felt like he was off then. Not his normal, active playing self like Romeo & Quincy. All of that bloodwork and urinalysis came back completely normal. His blood glucose was right in the middle of the range 127. The range is 72-175. So since she couldn’t find anything wrong with him, we just had to wait till he developed any more symptoms. February 16 Kazu started being treated for a UTI. I also noticed he was drinking more water. About 3 days into his UTI treatment I still didn’t think he was right so I took him for more bloodwork and another urinalysis. Thursday 22nd morning my vet called called and said Kazu has diabetes my heart sank. His blood glucose was almost 400. She wanted me to bring him in to learn how to give injections and go get him a prescription for insulin to start asap. Kazu started out getting 1 unit of insulin every 12 hours. It is the tiniest little amount of insulin not even a fourth of an inch. We are also adjusting his diet and probably everyone else’s diet to make things easier and possibly help prevent Kazu’s other two brothers from getting diabetes as well I hope since this seems to be genetic. There is a possibility that Kazu could go into remission since we caught this very early so I am hopefully. Kazu’s went to the vet yesterday morning 2/28 for 9am to have glucose curve monitoring. His numbers still stayed in the low 400s for his first 2 checks then high 300s for the second 2 checks. Kazu was on 1 unit of insulin every 12 hours, now I gave him 1.5 units last night and then starting this morning he now gets 2 units of insulin every 12 hours.  He has been really good about the shots. We just distract him with some of the lickable tube treat and he doesn’t even know he’s getting an injection. Kazu goes back for his next glucose curve monitoring in two weeks unless something change. I have been reading and researching a lot online about cat diabetes. I want to be fully educated and able to care for him the best I can. Kazu does act like he feels a bit better so I will keep you posted on how he’s doing! I can’t believe that he also has diabetes just like what happened to Forrest. At least this time I knew what to watch for. It still kills me that I didn’t know what was happening to Forrest until it was too late. I will always feel like I failed Forrest because I didn’t know what was happening. Please send me all the good vibes and well wishes you can for Kazu. This has been a lot to deal with for all of us and especially Kazu. Xoxo! Carrie & Anakin

Also Anakin is doing great! I’ll post some more pics and video of him soon ❤️

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Arya Photo Shoot and Blep!

Arya is still doing great with her new food and meds! She goes for a bloodwork recheck for her hypercalcemia in a couple weeks. Here is a little photo shoot, where she made a cute blep! 😻❤️

Monday, January 15, 2024

Anakin and Arya ❤️

January is starting out rough! Anakin had a UTI last week and had to go to the vet for an anti-inflammatory shot. He has finished his antibiotics and is feeling much better! UTIs are somewhat chronic for him though because of his missing back legs and pelvis. Arya has also been sick and to the vet 3 times last week. She also has a uti and diarrhea and is being treated for all of that. However, she has something else going on with her too, and they’ve did some special  bloodwork that came back today and she has Hypercalcemia. The vet does think it is probably idiopathic and not caused by cancer or kidney disease because none of her other blood values that would indicate cancer or kidney disease were out of range. She also had X-rays that were all normal with no tumors as well. So she is on a new prescription food and will be on Prednislone to see if that helps her bring her calcium levels back into normal range. She will be rechecked in a month. She is also finishing up her UTI antibiotics tomorrow and is feeling lots better. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰ Thank you ❤️

πŸŽ‰ Happy New Year! πŸ˜»πŸŽ„ Anakin & The Hawks Family received some beautiful Christmas & Holiday cards in the mail! Thank you all so much for the cards & for thinking of us! 🎁 You all are the best and we love them all ❤️