Meet Anakin! Ani is a two legged cat, born without a pelvis or back legs but that doesn't stop him. He is full of love & life! My family and I rescued Anakin and I am caring for him. My family and I are lifelong animal lovers and will give Ani the absolute best possible home, love and care. I post updates, photos and videos of Anakin on his website, Facebook page, Twitter, YouTube and other online sites.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
New Anakin Video! Anakin Playing Under Christmas Tree Two Legged Cat
New Anakin Video! Anakin Playing Under The Christmas Tree! Anakin loves to lounge and play under the Christmas tree. Here's Ani attacking the tree skirt and also the tree branches. He didn't attack the tree as much as he usually does because I was watching him. At the end of the video Trixie comes in the living room and Anakin run off after her.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Happy 15th Birthday Buddy
Happy 15th Birthday Buddy!! If it wasn't for the gray on his face and cataracts in his eyes you'd never guess he was 15 years old! He still acts so young! He's always been out numbered by the cats but never seems to mind too much. We love you Buddy!! :)
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of you! Love, Anakin & The Hawks Family. We hope you all have a wonderful time with your family & friends!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Thank you & Happy Caturday
I just wanted to tell you all thank you. It really means a lot to me and my family. This quote says it all, "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Here's Anakin & Mika! Hope you all have a nice Caturday.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Rest in peace our Gorgeous George
Today I am heartbroken to tell you all that our George passed away as a result of a tragic accident. Our vet did everything she could to save him. He was loved so much by all of us and is already missed. He joins our, Leo, Pookie Bear and Tabby at the rainbow bridge. We will see you again someday. Until then live it up at the rainbow bridge sweet boy. Love you and miss you so much!
Rest in peace our Gorgeous George
Today I am heartbroken to tell you all that our George passed away as a result of a tragic accident. Our vet did everything she could to save him. He was loved so much by all of us and is already missed. He joins our, Leo, Pookie Bear and Tabby at the rainbow bridge. We will see you again someday. Until then live it up at the rainbow bridge sweet boy. Love you and miss you so much!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Anakin
Happy Thanksgiving!! Love from Anakin & all of us! We hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Sleeping George vs. Anakin's Tail
Poor George, he just wants to nap in peace. George can't sleep with Anakin's fluffy tail flicking him in the face! Lol! :) Flipagram Video- http://flipagram.com/f/MZwZYr01qA
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Anakin got a Present! :)
Anakin got a Present & the whole gang got a cute card :) He doesn't get mail or presents hardly at all anymore so this was such a nice surprise. Ani got a pumpkins with mustaches kerchief. It has an "A" for Anakin embroidered on one side too. He freaked out if I tried to put it on him. So no wearing it for the pics. He does like smelling it though. Thank you so much to Auntie Terrie, Curtis, Miss Sparkles, Miss Scooter, Miss Taterhead & Dr Sheldon Cooper :D
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Anakin is happy Mama is home!
Someone is sooooo happy that I'm home from Orlando :) Anakin has been in my face waking me up the past two morning wanting extra love and head scratches! Such a sweet boy!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Anakin's "Mini Me" Micah needs well wishes!
Anakin & family are sending his "Mini Me" Micah tons of Love & Get Well Wishes! He has been having bowel problems and hopefully will be all fixed up and better soon. Stop by Micah's page and give him some love! Http://www.facebook.com/micah.tracey
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
New Kitty Tower
New kitty tower! Anakin and Trixie are the first to test it out. See Anakin there looking at Trixie plotting how he's going to take over the top! Lol! That little stinker started messing with her and made her move so he could have it.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Anakin's Purrrty Sister Pixie :) I love her fur pattern. Hope those of you who are off from work today are enjoying the 3 day weekend!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Mama's Bed Hogs
Anakin & Mika :) Mama's big bed hogs! Lol! They are taking up almost the whole bottom half of the bed! They both look so comfy :)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Anakin's Claws
Anakin hanging out in the cat tower hidey hole :) Then he looks up at the scratching post and decided to sharpen his very important claws. Ani uses those claws to climb pretty much anywhere he wants to go that I don't already have steps or a chair near by. Happy Caturday Everyone!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Catster Article~ I Want a House of Special Needs and Elderly Kitties -- Am I Crazy?
A friend of mine wrote this wonderful article for Catster. My rescuing of Anakin is one of the reasons she decided she could do this and it would be a great for her and the kitties she adopts. She says, "I want cats who are really old, who have disabilities or chronic health issues, or who are fearful and need a chance to realize the world is a safe place." Such an amazing lady! :) I know many of Anakin's friends also feel the same way too. I know I do!
Catster Article~ I Want a House of Special Needs and Elderly Kitties -- Am I Crazy?
Catster Article~ I Want a House of Special Needs and Elderly Kitties -- Am I Crazy?
Friday, September 26, 2014
Comfy Anakin, Tired Mama
Anakin looks pretty comfy! He's taking his nap next to me while I was resting. This pillow set up is right next to my side of the bed. It's Ani's favorite place to sleep. Sorry I haven't been posting as much and I'm having a hard time keeping up with messages and comments right now too. I'm still wiped out from my surgery and not getting much done. Who knew surgery could keep you so tired weeks later! Not me! Hopefully not for much longer!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Throwback Thursday! Anakin Attacks Shoestring Growling Kitten
Throwback Thursday Baby Anakin Video! On 7/13/12 I wrote, "Anakin Attacks a Shoestring! Anakin loves his new toy! A shoestring tied to a chair with a little plastic milk container ring dangling attached to it. Listen to him growl at it LOL! My vicious little two legged kitten! Isn't he so tough!"
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Anakin is on The PURRiotic Table of Internet Cats
Anakin is on The PURRiodic Table of Internet Cats! http://www.purriodictableofcats.com/Ani is listed under Special Cats (yellow) along with a lot of awesome kitties! You can click on each cat to learn more about them.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Happy Caturday
Happy Caturday! Anakin's mom here. I just wanted to thank you all again for all of your well wishes for me. I really do appreciate it so much! After a few rough days I'm finally feeling a lot better. Here's my morning view when I woke up. Ani laying on me as close to my face as he can get. He's such a sweet boy. He's been extra loving these past few weeks.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Home from the hospital
Thank you all so much for the well wishes :) The hospital was really nice & I had the best doctors and nurses. My hubby, Dewey and my Mom took great care of me there too. My Dad, brother and Ian came to visit me too. I came home from the hospital Thursday. My kiddos, Ian & Angel have been a big help around the house. I am so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. Just incase you missed it... I had surgery on Tuesday, hysterectomy for large fibroids. So far so good, as long as I keep up with my pain meds and don't try and do too much I'm feeling pretty good :) Xoxox!! Pics... Balloons and candy from my mom & dad. Gorgeous purple flowers from my friends Tammy & Deanna. My IV, my veins are so tiny they had to use baby needles on me! I'm just taking it easy and getting better :)
Monday, September 8, 2014
Anakin sleeping. FYI
Anakin sleeping peacefully :) FYI! Ani's mom here. This will be my last pic for a few days. I will be having surgery in the morning and will be in the hospital for a few days :( I will be back posting cute pics of Anakin, Mika and the Gang as soon as I feel up to it. Thank you all for your love and support of my Furbabies! Anakin really does have the best friends ever!!
Friday, September 5, 2014
New Ani Video! Anakin loves the new bedspread, Two Legged Cat
Anakin loves the new bedspread, Two Legged Cat. Short & Cute!... I got a new bedspread set and Anakin watched intently as I took the old set off and got the new set put on the bed. I then picked Anakin up and put him on the new bedspread and this is what happened! He loves the new bed set! He even made his "crazy kitty" face at the end of the video. Sorry the video quality isn't the greatest, It was from my phone and too cute not to share.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
My helper Ani
Anakin "helping" me get my artwork ready for DragonCon. He thought my canvas stretch bars made a nice little box to fit in. DragonCon is this weekend in Atlanta, Ga. I will have a booth with all of my Fantasy Cat Artwork in the Dealer's room, H20-H23. If you attend please stop by and say hello! :)
Monday, August 25, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Happy Caturday!
Happy Caturday!! I wanted to share the full pic of Anakin on the Tiger blanket since his tail was cropped off in the Tiger Day photo. I really love this pic :)
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Throwback Thursday! Baby Anakin Video...
Throwback Thursday Baby Anakin Video! :) Anakin's Lunch & Afternoon Nap. On 7/1/2012 I wrote, "Anakin being fed his lunch. Ani gets very excited when I bring his food over to him. After he eats he goes & relaxes in his little bed & takes a nap."
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
HUGE 30% Off Sale at Tigerpixie.com
** HUGE 30% Off Sale!**
At Check Out use the Voucher Code = 30OFF14 **Ends 8/21/14 at Midnight!**
This is the absolute BIGGEST SALE I have ever had! Here's why.... Sadly, I just found out I will be having major surgery next month, the week I return home from Dragon*Con. This means I will have to close my store for several weeks (I'm not sure how many yet and I'll have an unexpected hospital bill to pay). It's not too soon to think about Christmas and I wanted to give you plenty of time to do your holiday shopping early! These are the BEST PRICES I have ever offered for my art and gift items! Have you been watching one of my Original Paintings? If you buy it now you could save Hundreds of Dollars! Have you always wanted one of my Limited Edition Canvas Prints? Now they are a huge bargain at $69.30 for the 11x14 size and $52.50 for the 8x10 size! Open Edition prints are starting at just $7.70! Keychains, Magnets, Cameo Necklaces, Earrings, Cuff Bracelets, Coloring pages, Figurines, etc, are all at the BEST PRICES EVER, too! So take advantage of these once in a lifetime rock bottom prices and find something extra nice for yourself or that special cat lover in your life! Visit Tigerpixie.com
*Details All orders must be placed from this website.Use the Voucher Code = 30OFF14 & click Recalculate at checkout to receive the 30% Discount.
*Exclusions This sale does not apply to Custom Commission Paintings, Wholesale Orders or on any of my other shops, Etsy, Artfire, Zazzle etc.
Etsy Sale!
My Etsy Shop is also now 30% Off Until 8/21/2014 at 12am. No codes to enter, The prices are already marked down! This sale includes everything in my Etsy shop, Save Hundreds $$ on my Original Paintings! Limited Edition Canvas Prints now start at $52! Glossy Prints, Jewelry, Magnets, Notecards, etc all at great prices!
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Friday, August 15, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Hahaha! Cat Jokes...
Hahaha! That was so funny!! It looks like Anakin just heard the funniest cat related joke ever! Tell us? What was it???
Friday, August 8, 2014
My helper Trixie
Trixie "helping" take inventory of prints ready for Paracon! She loves to be in the middle of everything. I will be selling my Fantasy Cat Art, http://Tigerpixie.com at Paracon this weekend, 8/9 & 8/10, at the Pensacola Fair Grounds.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Floofy Teddy Bear Toes
Purrrty Boy Anakin's Floofy Feet! :) say that 5 times fast! Haha! I just love how from the right angle kitty feet look like teddy bears. I woke him up while taking pics of those floofy toes. It's ok he just went right back to sleep ;)
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Anakin won 10k pounds of litter for his chosen shelter!
Here are to official results of the World's Best Cat Litter Give Litter Contest! Anakin won 10 Thousand Pounds of Litter for the Pensacola Hotel for Dogs and Cats- Adoption and Rescue Shelter Service Thank you all so much for Voting & Sharing! Anakin has the best friends in the world! Congrats to Spangles the Cross Eyed kitty & Princess Monster Truck Forever too!! Head Bumps & Purrs, Anakin
Thank you to all of our amazing fans for your overwhelming support in this round of #GiveLitter! All three of our rockstar cats and shelters are grateful for your donation to shelter cats in need.
Here is the final tally of donated litter:
Spangles the Cross Eyed kitty + Charleston Animal Society: 15,000 lbs
Anakin the Two Legged Miracle Cat + Hotel for Dogs and Cats: 10,000 lbs
Princess Monster Truck Forever + Bobbi and the Strays: 5,000 lbs
To partner with GiveLitter in the future, follow this link to nominate your favorite shelter:http://bit.ly/1xoNXtR
Here is the final tally of donated litter:
Spangles the Cross Eyed kitty + Charleston Animal Society: 15,000 lbs
Anakin the Two Legged Miracle Cat + Hotel for Dogs and Cats: 10,000 lbs
Princess Monster Truck Forever + Bobbi and the Strays: 5,000 lbs
To partner with GiveLitter in the future, follow this link to nominate your favorite shelter:http://bit.ly/1xoNXtR
Happy International Tiger Day!
It's International Tiger Day! Anakin & many famous internet cats are spreading awareness with GreenPeace!http://grnpc.org/anakintwolegssavestigers There are only about 3,000 tigers left in the wild worldwide Their homes are being destroyed for such things as palm oil in Indonesia, coal in India and timber in Sibeira. Greenpeace is working on the ground to save the tigers, and we need all the help we can get with spreading the word about our campaign. #CatsSaveTigers #SaveTheTigers
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Mika watches TV
Mika Bunny love to watch his buddy Ian (my son) play video games :) This pix was take a few nights ago by my son's girlfriend through FaceTime. Mika watches TV a lot especially at night while laying at the end of my bed. Do your cats like to watch TV too?
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